Monday, March 23, 2020

Hello, 3rd Scholars and Parents!

As we wrap up our extra-long break, I wanted to share some of the things, myself and Mrs. Lynch have been up to!

First, Mrs. Lynch and I worked on A LOT of landscaping this break. We pulled a lot of weeds and grass from our front and back yards. With the rain we received last week, it’s been going quick.

The next thing I did was playing with my cats, Cosmo and Gustav. They usually do three things: sleep, eat, or play. They’re both spritely cats, and that makes it tricky to get pictures of them playing, but Mrs. Lynch and I have a lot of pictures of them sleeping. One of my favorite games to play is hide-and-seek with Cosmo. He is really good at seeking, but he is not very good at hiding. Sometimes he forgets to cover his tail and butt, which makes it very easy for Dr. Lynch to find him.

The other thing I did was play a lot of trombone. I included a picture of all the trombones I play. I’m really excited because I’m working on preparing my own concert for the next school year. I very much enjoy collaborating with other musicians and sharing our music with the community.

All the best!
Dr. Lynch